This competition is open to any writer, 18 or older. Entering the competition constitutes permission to use the winners’ names and likenesses for publicity and promotions with no additional compensation. We reserve the right to publicize and promote any and all progress, development and success of entered projects.
Early Deadline: Dec 23 |
Regular Deadline: Jan 27 |
Late Deadline: March 11 | Final Deadline: April 14 |
Under 10 Pages - $25 | Under 10 Pages - $30 | Under 10 Pages - $35 | Under 10 Pages - $40 |
10 - 80 Pages - $35 | 10 - 80 Pages - $40 | 10 - 80 Pages - $45 | 10 - 80 Pages - $55 |
Over 80 Pages - $40 | Over 80 Pages - $45 | Over 80 Pages - $50 | Over 80 Pages - $60 |
Submissions will be broken up into the following 4 categories:
- Screenplays
- Television Pilots
- Source Material (Stage Plays, Short Stories, Articles, Graphic Novels, etc...)
- TV Ideas (Written Pitches / Concept Summaries)
As this is a competition to find the most exciting new voices for TV, all submissions will be considered both as samples of great writing AND for their viability as potential tv concepts.
*Below are some useful guidelines for submitting a TV Idea/Written Pitch/Concept Summary.*
We recommend that you include 3 basic elements, though we leave it up to you, ultimately, to decide the most effective way to present your great tv idea.
- LOGLINE/OVERALL DESCRIPTION OF THE SHOW – Succinctly tell us what the show is about (both externally and thematically); what is this “world” we'll be entering? Is there any general background info that you feel is relevant? Are there existing shows that you can reference to help clarify what you are ‘selling’.
- SERIES REGULARS - Give us 4 or 5 of the characters that we'll be seeing every week. Include a brief description of them and how they relate to each other and the world of the show.
- FORMAT OF THE SHOW - What does a typical episode look like? - you can use other shows as comparisons, you can walk us through the structure of a show or you can be much more general and simply let us know things like, is it episodic (like LAW AND ORDER) or a single, serialized story like “24”? You may want to include some possible season-long arcs, but there is no need to overload us with information.
Note: If you feel that you have a better format for letting a potential buyer know what the show you are selling is, we welcome your creativity.
- Students are welcome.
- All submitted material must be the original work of the author(s).
- All submitted material must be in English.
- Please submit one copy only. Do not send originals. Material will not be returned under any circumstances.
- Pages must be numbered.
- Any submitted scripts must be in industry standard format. (If sending in a hard copy, pages must be bound with two to three brads. If unable to find brads to fasten script together, a method of comparable durability must be used to bind script pages together).
- The Writer’s name(s) should appear on the title page ONLY; not on any other page of the script.
- No other information outside of name, title of work and WGA registration (if applicable) should appear on the title page. If it is based on a true story or another work, it should be noted on the title page (and appropriate rights must be attained by writer, if necessary).
- We recognize that television ‘source material’ can come in a wide variety of written formats, so the only limitation is that Feature Screenplays are between 90 and 150 pages in length.
- Multiple Writers/Creators are allowed, but, if the project wins an award, that award will be divided among the writers, by the writers.
- Multiple entries from the same Writer/Creator are accepted, but each must have its own Entry Form & Fee.
- Do not include any additional materials with your submissions such as publicity or press kits, etc…
- No substitutions or updated/re-edited versions of the project will be accepted without officially “re-submitting’ the project.
- Entry Fees are non-refundable. No refunds will be issued for any reason.
- Contest applicants must accept without reservations the decisions rendered by the competition.
- Entry must be accompanied by the following:
- Completed ENTRY FORM
- The appropriate ENTRY FEE (checks made payable to: “NexTv Entertainment”)
- If you become a Finalist, you will be contacted to provide a close-up photo. These may be displayed with your project title on our site and on all press materials and releases.
- Finalists are scheduled to be announced by June 14, 2010
- Winners are scheduled to be announced by June 21, 2010. NOTE: This date has been chosen to incorporate the industry’s “TV Pitching season”.
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